Truly, I should be ready to sketch the Tree in Spring, however, with winter resettling here (again!) the tree is giving me attitude! The tree taunts me as it’s branches sway in the wind against a sky that is as grey as Guitar #16 by Daydream Dyeworks! I can’t seem to capture the the life-like beauty of the tree in the same way I captured the essence of summer and fall.

The angle of the main branches against the sky is exactly the way it should be. I couldn’t have captured it better however, the elements that make it so dramatic, the small branches and moss balls, are harder to capture.Would it be possible to use another technique to capture the small branches and moss balls? Would crewel embroidery be possible? If so, how? Perhaps, it’s time to delve into a little research into the use of embroidery on knitting. Intriguing!