The timer woke me up with a start, and by that I mean Little Girl Kitty raced up the stairs, jumped on the bed, and landed on my legs (with claws out for stabilization). The result-a springboard reaction-and blink, blink, blink, "Ouch! I am awake!", I announce loudly. Little Girl Kitty is pleased. "Siri," I sigh, "turn of my alarm. Set a reminder to clip Little Girl's claws." Suddenly, Little Girl Kitty's pleased return blink-blinks turn to a suspicious-squint. Launching herself off the bed, she races down the stairs, leaving additional pinpricks in my legs. Aargh! Fully awake now, I get ready for the day and follow the flurry of fluff down the stairs. Rounding the corner I am enticed towards the kitchen by the smell of coffee perking.
In the kitchen the cats have formed a little semi-circle in front of the coffee pot which is giving it's finally gurgling perk. "You made my coffee!", I exclaim in, mock surprise, and give each preening head a rub. Reaching into the cupboard above the coffee pot I pull down the treat can and a coffee cup. Coffee poured and treats given, we stroll towards the chair by the picture window to see what the day will bring.
Today, find that a soft blanket of grey fog had rolled in turning the world into a mysterious, muffled, alternate reality of its former self. Thin tendrils of gray weave in and out of the potted plants on the deck outside. The shifting of shadow and morning light is hypnotic. The cats settle on the cat perch in quiet contemplation while I finish my first cup of coffee. They hardly notice my movements as i contemplatively refill my coffee cup. It's the perfect morning to finish the sketch of The Tree, in all it's winter drama.
Resettled in the chair I reach for my sketchbook, pencil, and crayons. Most of the sketch is finished: the dry winter grass, the tree trunk, and the branches are beautifully proportioned in 4 inch by 4 inch square. All that remains is the moss balls that cover the tree.....and we settle in for a morning of sketching, coffee, and contemplation.